As you may know paid surveys are good way to earn some good extra money. The biggest advantages of paid surveys are that you don’t have to go anywhere you can work from home.
Paid surveys allow earning some easy money by sharing your opinion about any product or service. You can earn from Rs. 50 to Rs.
Learn more about paid surveys.
Paid surveys are free to join, and we recommend never pay for joining paid surveys. We have listed some free to join paid surveys companies. There are less paid surveys companies in India because of that we recommend joining all paid surveys company listed below.
Paid Surveys India
- PermissionResearch
- ECN Research
- Surveysavvy
- Opinion Surveys
- Toluna
- GiveUsYour2Cents
- mGinger
- GlobalTestMarket
- American Consumer Opinion
- clearvoicesurveys
People often ask us is it possible to earn with paid surveys, and we reply same answer Yes but don’t expect too much. One can earn from Rs. 500 to Rs. 5000+ per month with paid surveys, but this also depends on their profile.
Paid surveys companies have a lot of surveys, but they are for limited quantity say surveys for first 2000 people and companies send email whenever there is a survey available but if you checked your email late and if 2000 people have already taken survey you may not get the chance to earn with that surveys.
The simple rule to earn with paid surveys is to join as many as paid surveys companies as you can. Regularly check your email for new surveys. By this, you can earn some good money with paid surveys.